A downloadable game example for Windows

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Do you make games in ClickTeam Fusion?

I offer you a complete example of multiplayer prop hunt game!

About the game:

  • Map editor tool, where players can create their own maps! Map is fully sent to the person who joins our game so there is no need to send map files. You do it all just in game, create map, host a game, pick one of your created maps and play with your friend. You can create maps, save them, load them! You can't delete created maps from aplication window, you need to delete files manualy.
  • Player abilities - ducker (seeker) has three shots that regen over time and a fancy radar that will scan nearby objects. If one object is a duck (hidder) he will get his colors inverted (on duck screen there is funny red exclamation mark above the head of ducker and ping sound). Duck has ability to sprint for a short while and change to any prop just by clicking his mouse on it.
  • Dynamic music system - song that play is chosen at random and it reacts to the gameplay events - while duck gets in range of active radar chase music starts playing - it ends when duck will run out of ducker's screen.
  • Round system - host can chose if he wants to return to map selection screen, play rematch or change teams.

About the code:

  • Code is ordered in groups and clear - there is no wierd leftovers. Game was completed and abandoned because of few reasons that i will list at the end of this description
  • Some things can still be named in polish - if i missed them while doing code review before posting
  • Round system can be buggy - i few times had issue with de-sync after changing teams, not sure if i fixed it, I created this project some years ago. While testing this today i do not seen this bug - most of the time it works flawless.

About the assets:

  • You are free to use any of my graphical assets that are inside of this project
  • Songs and sound are CC0 or by KevinMacleod.


  1.  In game:
    - WSAD - moving
    - SPACEBAR - activate radar
    - LMB - shoot
    - WASD - moving
    - L SHIFT - sprinting
    - LMB - click on objects to morph into them, click on you to change to duck
    - LEFT, RIGHT ARROWS - slowly rotate object to left or right
     - UP, DOWN ARROWS - fixed rotation, 90, 180 degrees to quickly change to a totaly normal rotation
  2.  In map editor
    - Left click place object or choose tool in editor
    - Right click remove object or stop using tool
    - WSAD to move camera
    - mouse wheel to rotate object, hold shift to rotate faster
    - when no tool is chosen, you can move duck and ducker spawn points
    - ESC to return to menu (confirmation window will apear)

How to share your map with firend?

Ok for example you created a map and want your friend to be able to host it. Your map is named dusty2. So you open folder from the path bellow (replace User with your windows user name)
Open maplist, check what map[number]=dusty2. Copy file with that name and send it to a friend.
Friend open maplist with a notepad and adds entry after last map[number] for example last entry is map12=mirage, so he adds map13=dusty2, changes name of file to map13 and copy paste it to that directory. Viola simple process...
It can be done better but i was too lazy. Feel free to upgrade this.

How to add map example from downloadable files?

If you just downloaded the game, just create folder (or not if there is one already):
 (replace User with your windows user name)
Copy paste both, maplist and map1

If you already created some maps and want to keep it do same as above, where you share map with your friend.

Why this project was abandoned by me?
There is a few reasons. First is sending time. Current implementation is too slow because it is happening on only one channel and waits for response every time. This leads to 5-10 minutes loading times for bigger maps. This could be fixed by sending on few channels asynchronously,  I thought on implementing that but i am now busy working on my new projects in Godot - this is the second cause why this project was never finished. I just left ClickTeam Fusion for Godot. I don't want my projects to waste completly and i don't want to go back to ClickTeam Fusion so, i publish them here. Buy - modify - learn or make from this your own game. Have fun!


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Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

In order to download this game example you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Project files 121 MB

Download demo

Game - Ducker.exe 114 MB
Example Map - Sandstorm 27 kB

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